What is an alternative to forcing someone to apologize? I believe that would be forgiveness.
One cannot demand an apology, nor expect it. Forgiveness is essentially a choice to stop punishing the other person, to restore the relationship. It is a gift that elevates and enriches our own life. A gift that is demanded is no longer a gift.
Therefore, instead of demanding something we freely bestow this.
Some synonyms for forgiveness are: mercy, pardoning, compassion and understanding. To forgive is loving and life affirming.
Sometimes forgiveness is viewed as being weak. But to forgive someone is actually elevating and liberating – it takes strength and courage.
But for many people this can be quite difficult. What stands in the way of forgiveness? The best word I can think of is righteousness.
Holding on to righteousness leads to being imprisoned with your own superiority and self-importance. The need to “be right” and controlling, essentially leads to being alone.
It is not at all about love. It is about power and insisting that the other person tell a lie and bow down to you. It is arrogant and isolating.
How does one accept another’s forgiveness when they believe they’ve done nothing wrong? I see this as one and the same. Forgive the righteous one. Celebrate his or her ability to change by extending forgiveness. This leads to inner peace.
You cannot forgive on a condition. Forgiveness means that you have reached a point where you will forgive, whether or not it is asked for.
How interesting it is that the word “give” can be found within the word “forgiveness.”
Inner peace is far more valuable than turmoil.
When we forgive someone, ultimately it is a gift to ourselves!
© Judy Unger and http://www.myjourneysinsight.com 2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Judy Unger with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.