For lyrics and other recordings of this song: TAKE MY HAND
It was such a joy performing my newest song “Take My Hand” at Kulak’s Woodshed last week. It was my first time back playing Twofer night after three and a half years.
I played my song solo first, and then I collaborated with my friend, Bill Doty. His piano and harmony took my song to another level!
Lately, the three words “take my hand” have become my theme song.
For most of this year, anticipating my daughter’s wedding enveloped my life. Time marched quickly to the event. I was so fortunate that my dear friend, Janis, accompanied me to the wedding as my support. She took my hand and joined me, despite leaving behind a very busy schedule.
My daughter was a gorgeous bride and her husband took her hand in marriage! The day was indescribable. I made her a necklace from my mother’s wedding ring and my parents’ love shined from it that day. It’s visible in the photo below. (I’ll share more wedding photos at the end of this post).
It was also very heartwarming to have my children with me. I was able to cordially catch up with my ex-husband, whom I hadn’t seen in nine years.
The entire wedding weekend quickly blurred into the background when I returned. The day after I came home, I became very sick and tested positive for Covid. I struggled for well over a month with a terrible cough and a severe sinus infection. I was miserable and even though I couldn’t sing, I performed guitar instrumentals weekly on Insight Timer.
All my birthday plans were cancelled. Once I was better, I was able to enjoy seeing good friends and each one lifted my spirits.

This is one of many special gifts from my friend, Marge. “Hope” is the perfect word, and I love to infuse it in my music.
During my Covid hibernation, one friend especially stood out and “took my hand.” Her name was Stacey and we’d known each other a long time. I can still picture her in my elementary school classes. I hadn’t really known Stacey after elementary school, but we had followed each other on Facebook for over a decade.Five years ago, I introduced Stacey and her husband, Bill to the Kulak’s Woodshed open mics. Bill was a terrific singer and pianist and he often performed when I did.
In 2019, Stacey and Bill picked me up and drove me to Kulak’s as I recovered from a broken ankle. I performed in my wheelchair during that difficult time.
When I was struggling during Covid, Stacey texted every morning and afternoon to check on me. Her concern and support really kept me going.
I had no birthday plan and Stacey insisted on making a special brunch for me. I said, “Aren’t you worried about catching it?” She said me she was fine with seeing me, since I had already been sick over a week.
Attending that birthday brunch lifted my spirits and my eyes water just thinking about it.

This gift from Stacey is one of my favorite mantras. She has a matching one that says, “Less is more,” which also happens to be one of my favorite sayings!
Reconnecting with Stacey and Bill added a new element of joy into my life. Not only did I have a new friendship to explore and enjoy, but then came my collaboration with Bill.
Bill told me he had decided to skip going back to Kulak’s. Then I asked him if he’d like to collaborate on my newest song “Take My Hand.”
He agreed and the following week I came to their home for brunch again with my guitar in hand. Many more weeks followed that. I found myself looking forward to Saturdays!
And with every brunch, my friendship with Stacey deepened. We discovered so many parallels in our lives. Our ex-husband’s had the same name. We had similar struggles with our sons when they were in school.
Stacey told me she wished we had reconnected sooner. During the Pandemic, she fell into a deep depression and friendship had not been on her radar for years.
I told her that perhaps this was exactly the best moment for us to enjoy our budding friendship. It was the perfect time!

Since my recent Covid bout, it was definitely a challenge to sing. But just in time for this open mic performance, my voice rebounded.
Performing at Kulak’s was a culmination of my forging onward this year, despite struggles. After I fell off an electric scooter in April, I was in terrible pain and hand therapy occupied a lot of energy after that.
How beautiful it was that I could reach out for hope. Music took my hand when this new song flowed from my heart!
I continue to immerse myself in creating music and art – following my dream of doing what I love.
I have made many wonderful new friends because of my sharing. By engaging in watercolor groups, I’ve connected to lovely artists and even art teachers. And because of my music, I correspond with friends all over the world.
Lately, I’ve received a lot of signposts reminding me that my journey has no destination – it is simply a joyful journey.
With the theme of “take my hand,” so many hands from friends are holding me up now, new and old. I receive love and support in countless ways. They are my family!
But I’m also leading others with my own hands – and lending hope. The most beautiful part about my song is that I am able to hold hands with people I’ve never met.
I end this post with a comment that is probably the most meaningful one I have ever received.
Two years ago, I was in deep depression; there were days I thought I couldn’t get up anymore. I came across your playlist on Insight Timer app and it literally saved my life. Your music kept me up and moving forward – second by second, then minute by minute, then hour by hour, and day by day. Thank you for bringing in joy and light to my life and others, as well.