The checker in the market looked very concerned. “You look like you are in pain. Do you need to sit down?” she asked me.
I realized that my eyes were closed. I was grimacing while holding onto the checkout stand as I replied. “Thank you for caring. My leg hurts but I’ll be fine – we’re almost done.”
Waves of pain were shooting through my thigh and my brain was burning from the agony. I gritted my teeth and accepted help with the groceries. I quickly sat down in my car while a young girl put the bags in my trunk. My leg continued to ache, but gradually the pain ebbed away.
This was crazy! How in the world had this happened? I was just celebrating that my eyes had gotten better and now I had a sore leg.
I had gone to my doctor on the afternoon of Halloween. A physical therapist told me I had an “inflamed femoral nerve” in my thigh. A few days later I was relieved when the pain seemed to have gone away.
I was hesitant about playing tennis, but had been pain-free since Sunday. So on a lovely Tuesday morning, I was swatting a tennis ball. I was very grateful to be outdoors and actually played better than I expected.
After two hours of tennis, I stopped at a nearby superstore before driving home. I was exhausted when I finished shopping and that afternoon my leg started aching again. I took Motrin and held an ice pack to my thigh for hours.
This time, the pain didn’t go away. I became very irritable because it was definitely hard to deal with. It looked like I had made a mistake playing tennis. Now I could barely get to the mailbox.
I remembered how the pain had gone away when I rested a lot the first time. No more tennis for me for a while. I gave myself permission to be lazy.
vul·ner·a·ble (adjective)
physically or psychologically weak, extremely susceptible
For three days, I pretty much sat at home.
This was such a twist for me – usually I had to push myself to be active at least once a day. Now I couldn’t do that and I sure missed what I had taken for granted!
I told a good friend about my predicament and she recommended a chiropractor. She said he had worked a miracle for a friend of hers. I was enthused because he wasn’t too expensive and his office was very close to my house.
This was going to be my very first experience seeing a chiropractor. I was pleased to get a same day appointment and anticipated I’d get some relief.
When I arrived, the office looked comfy and the receptionist was very friendly.
This chiropractor practically danced around me with his abundant energy. His large, magnified eyes bulged behind his glasses and he announced with enthusiasm that I was his “number one project.”
He recommended an x-ray, which I decided to have at the cost of $125 additional dollars. I did not want to wait a week to see if my insurance would pay for one. I just prayed I would receive some remarkable results from this man.
A few moments later, he was pointing to my x-ray. (On a side note – I wasn’t too thrilled seeing my belly shadow behind the lit up bones.) He deftly connected a few dots to create lines and get measurements.
Then he announced, “No wonder you are a mess, my dear. Your hip is twisted and a nerve is squeezed; that is why your leg is hurting. It was most likely from an injury that happened years ago – I’m amazed you haven’t had any problems before this!”
I was impressed how he was absolutely certain he could help me by putting things back into position. With his precise adjustments, my vertebrae needed to move by almost ¾ of an inch. It was a non-surgical approach that he was very experienced with and he reassured me that he had helped many other patients.
I was slightly nervous and asked him if it was going to hurt. But if this would help me, that seemed like such a silly question.
He said, “Honestly, what I’m going to do is a temporary thing – but you will be so happy afterwards because it is going to make your problem go away.
I looked at him with glazed eyes and blinked back my tears. It seemed that my leg pain had affected my dry eyes; they were foggy and painful again. I was at a very low point.
I was completely vulnerable and surrendered to his confidence.
He told me to lie on my side. I was to straighten out my bottom leg and cross the other over it. His voice was chipper when he called out to his receptionist. He said, “I need a leg holder.” I wasn’t sure what that meant.
He asked me to scoot on my side closer to him. He said, “Don’t worry, I won’t let you fall off. I just want you to lean towards me.”
I followed his instructions and closed my eyes. He held me in a hug-like position with one finger from his other hand poking my back.
And then . . .
I was stunned. Horrific pain screamed through me with his powerful impact. I almost passed out from shock. My body was slammed while twisted in a strange position.
His voice was still chipper when he said, “Now turn over for the other side.” I was queasy and sweat dripped from my face co-mingled with my tears.
I took a deep breath and my body was slammed a second time. I hadn’t experienced such horrific trauma since childbirth. But I had to give him credit – it happened so fast.
A moment later, he pulled me into a sitting position. I was softly crying and praying this was my miracle cure.
He said, “Tomorrow I want you to come back two more times. We made a lot of progress today but it’s still going to take more adjusting to move those vertebrae.”
All three of my children were laughing around the dining room table when I walked in the door. “Hey mom, how’s your leg?” they all asked.
I heard their voices hushed with worry when I ran past them into my bedroom. I threw the covers over my head and cried.
“Mom, is there something we can do for you?” They all stood in the doorway and were quite worried about me. I reassured them that I would be fine – I needed to rest after my traumatic experience.
Gradually, my sweat dried and my shaking stopped. It was nice hearing my children happily banter and fix their own dinners.
Now there was a knock on my bedroom door. It was my former housekeeper, Rosa. She came in with her boyfriend, Orlando. They had driven to see me because they were very concerned.
Rosa had brought with her a special supplement that she insisted I take. I swallowed two capsules of super vitamins. Then Orlando wanted to give me a leg massage. Rosa said, “Judy, he did this for me when my leg hurt and the next day my pain was gone!”
Orlando firmed gripped my thigh and started to press and squeeze it. I let out a few loud moans as he kneaded my flesh. My large teenage son came running down the hallway.
“Mom! Why don’t you tell him to stop if it hurts? You sound awful!”
Through my clenched teeth I muttered, “Don’t worry – I’ll be fine.” I let out a few more yelps as Orlando massaged my aching thigh.
Rosa hugged me goodbye. She told me to let her know how my leg was the following day. I promised her I would.
The next day, I was nervous about going back to the chiropractor. My friend, Joni sent me a text message offering to take me to my appointment. It was so thoughtful of her to want to help me and I decided to take her up on it.
Joni was still recovering from open-heart surgery only a few months before. She had been going through a lot of ups and downs with her recovery.
I gingerly got into her car and she said, “I am so glad I could do this! It feels wonderful to be able to help you.” Joni had one of my CD’s playing in her car as she drove. I felt so lucky to have her at that moment.
Once again, I was lying on the adjustment table. The chiropractor showed Joni my x-ray and explained to her what he was doing. I could hardly concentrate because my eyes were so painful at that moment. I closed them and tried to escape in my mind.
I let out a loud scream with the first slamming adjustment. I turned over for the second one and Joni tenderly grabbed my hand, “Jude, take deep breaths!”
When the chiropractor crushed me the second time, I yelled. Tears dripped down my cheeks.
I heard him announce, “Congratulations! Did you hear that loud cracking noise? That is a sign of movement, which means we made even more progress today!”
I felt queasy when Joni dropped me off back at home. I walked slowly into my apartment and collapsed upon my bed.
An hour later, I sat up and began practicing my singing. I wanted to record vocals later in the day.
Nothing was going to stop the music for me. Nothing.
Only two days earlier, I had sung vocals for my song “Hang On.” I easily became emotional with my lyric line of “one day your pain will go away!” Pain didn’t matter to me as long as I could make it to my car and into the place where I sang.
I drove to Darrin’s studio; it was only a few minutes away. My leg was still numb from the ice pack I carried with me. I casually mentioned to Darrin that I was having some problems with my leg and he was very sympathetic.
I quickly sat down and was excited to sing vocals for my newest song arrangement. I put on headphones and anyone who saw me would have noticed how one leg was awkwardly stretched to the side.
But for 30 minutes I sang my heart out. I went to place far away from my own body. It was magical and very healing.
When I was finished singing, I drove from the recording studio to the chiropractor for my second day’s round of adjustments. Because I knew what to expect, it wasn’t as shocking now. But it certainly wasn’t pleasant.
When I came home, I wrote a message to my doctor requesting an MRI.
Below is a link to a recent performance from two weeks ago that I am sharing on YouTube. I was sitting down for obvious reasons!
MY SHINING STAR – Performance on 10/28/14 my Judy Unger at Kulak’s Woodshed
On Nov 17, 2014, Dr. Sam wrote:
Hope that you feel better…just remember that chiropractors are notorious for sucking people into extended treatment plans with multiple “sessions.”
How many chiropractors does it take to change a light bulb?
Just one, but it will take him eight visits!
Well, Sam, I won’t mind if it helps. Unfortunately, I wish it were a light bulb that my doctor could take care of instead.
I am telling you that every day I am more and more grateful for good health! I want so badly to have everything in decent working order – not perfect by any means. But I need to be able to walk without screaming in pain.
Hope all is well with you.
ps. All of this has become the biggest pain in the ass!
Agree that walking without screaming in pain is a good thing…just make sure that you watch your budget and don’t get taken advantage of.
Thanks, Sam. It would be nice if my HMO helped “foot” the bill. I am trying to “stand up” for myself.
I wish I knew what I’m supposed to do – rest or move! The chiropractor said he’d have me fixed up in no time and I would love to believe that! I hope he’s not just “pulling my leg.”
© Judy Unger and 2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Judy Unger with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.